Davinci 3D Tech mission is to revolutionize the home construction industry by leveraging cutting-edge 3D printing technology to create affordable, sustainable, and rapidly constructed family homes. They are dedicated to making homeownership accessible to all and contributing to the development of vibrant communities worldwide. Davinci 3D Tech strives to be at the forefront of home construction technology, setting new standards for affordability, speed, and sustainability. Through innovative approach, they aim to create a global network of communities that are not only well-housed but also well-supported. Their focus is on ensuring housing accessibility and they are committed to the vision of a world where every individual can enjoy the comfort of a sustainable and affordable home. Davinci 3D Tech commitment to innovation and sustainability drives them to shape a brighter, more inclusive future.
Information Session with DaVinci 3D Tech!
BSE 2.102 - MP Room
Online Location
Campus Events Students
Veronica Molina
(210) 458-6882