The Tutoring Center is open to all Klesse College students who need a little extra help with their courses or would like a space on campus to complete their coursework. Tutoring is available for various engineering, architecture and construction science & management courses. Tutoring for specific courses can be viewed on the schedule below. The Klesse College Tutoring Center operates on a walk-in and first come first served basis. Students looking for assistance can come by the center in AET 0.212 and talk to a tutor at the front desk. Tutors are available in the Tutoring Center from 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM Monday through Friday. Please visit us in the Applied Engineering Technology building AET 0.212 for any assistance.
“The tutoring center helped me reinforce ideas that I learned in EA 2323 and helped fill some of the gaps in understanding that I had after lectures. ”
“The tutoring center gave me the opportunity to discuss subject matter with student experts, practice problems with them, and create a disciplined regiment to my Engineering Analysis I homework.”