Welcome to the Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Industrial Engineering at UTSA! The department offers programs at both the undergraduate and graduate level that prepare students for future challenges and opportunities. Our programs include a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering (an ABET accredited undergraduate program), a B.S. in Industrial and Systems Engineering, a M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, a M.S. in Advanced Manufacturing and Enterprise Engineering, and a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, which is a joint program with Southwest Research Institute. In addition to these five degree programs, we also offer four undergraduate certificates in Aerospace Engineering, Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, and Oil & Gas, and one graduate certificate in Aerospace Engineering. We have multiple undergraduate scholarships and research opportunities available to our undergraduate students. Graduate fellowships are also available for both our masters and doctoral students. 

Mission Statement

The mission of the Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Industrial Engineering is “to provide excellent educational and research opportunities to our undergraduate and graduate students who will contribute to the technological and economic development of the community, the region and the nation.” 

“The faculty of the Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Industrial Engineering values excellence in teaching, research, and service to the community and the profession. Our students learn to be technically competent and socially responsible, while they acquire a solid background to perform diverse engineering functions; to succeed in graduate education; and acquire life-long learning skills."

Latest Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Industrial Engineering News

Read All News Stories
Chris Combs

February 26, 2025

Klesse College names Chris Combs Associate Dean for Research

Published by Sean M. Wood

Rocket Engine Testing in the Lab

February 21, 2025

UTSA’s reputation as a leader in space propulsion rockets ahead

Published by Sean M. Wood

The Flexible Automation & Lean Manufacturing Lab

February 6, 2025

New Engineering Bachelor’s Degree Offers Great Career Potential

Published by Sean M. Wood

Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Industrial Engineering Faculty

Omar Abbaas

Omar Abbaas, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Mauricio Aristizabal Cano, Ph.D.

Andres M. Aguirre-Mesa, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Instruction

Guillermo Araya, Ph.D.

Guillermo Araya, Ph.D.

Wayne and Julie Fagan Endowed Professor, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Keith M. Axler, Ph.D., PMP

Keith M. Axler, Ph.D., PMP

Professor of Practice, Mechanical Engineering

Kiran Bhaganagar, Ph.D.

Kiran Bhaganagar, Ph.D.

Professor, Associate Fellow of AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astraunatics), Mechanical Engineering

Tanveer Hossain Bhuiyan, Ph.D.

Tanveer Hossain Bhuiyan, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Binghan He

Binghan He, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Mechanical, Aerospace, & Industrial Engineering

Krystel K. Castillo, Ph.D.

Krystel K. Castillo, Ph.D.

Lutcher Brown Chair in Mechanical Engineering , Professor, Director, Texas Sustainable Energy Research Institute (TSERI) at UTSA, Mechanical Engineering

F. Frank Chen, Ph.D.

F. Frank Chen, Ph.D.

Lutcher Brown Distinguished Chair in Advanced Manufacturing, Professor, SME Fellow and IISE Fellow, Mechanical Engineering

Sidney Chocron, Ph.D.

Sidney Chocron, Ph.D.

Adjoint Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Christopher S. Combs, Ph.D.

Christopher S. Combs, Ph.D.

Dee Howard Memorial Endowed Faculty Fellowship in Mechanical Engineering, Graduate Advisor of Record: M.S. Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering

Alifer Crom, Ph.D.

Alifer Crom, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Instruction , Mechanical Engineering

Robert De Lorenzo

Robert De Lorenzo, MD, MSM, MSCI, FACEP

Adjoint Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Zhi-Gang Feng, Ph.D.

Zhi-Gang Feng, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Ender Finol, Ph.D.

Ender Finol, Ph.D.

Zachry Mechanical Engineering Department Endowed Chair, Professor, Fellow of ASME and AHA, Chair of Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering

Cody Gonzalez, Ph.D.

Cody Gonzalez, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Madhavrao “Rao” Govindaraju

Madhavrao “Rao” Govindaraju, Ph.D.

Professor of Instruction, Mechanical Engineering

Hai-Chao Han, Ph.D.

Hai-Chao Han, Ph.D.

Professor, Fellow of ASME, AHA & AIMBE, Mechanical Engineering

Francisco Herbert, Ph.D.

Francisco Herbert, Ph.D.

Klesse Endowed Fellow, Professor of Instruction, Undergraduate Advisor of Record, Mechanical Engineering

Herta Montoya

Herta Montoya, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Mechanical, Aerospace, & Industrial Engineering

R. Lyle Hood, Ph.D.

R. Lyle Hood, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Amir Karimi, Ph.D.

Amir Karimi, Ph.D.

Professor, ASME and ASEE Fellow, Mechanical Engineering

Randall D. Manteufel, Ph.D.

Randall D. Manteufel, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, ASME Fellow, Mechanical Engineering

Mauricio Aristizabal Cano, Ph.D.

Mauricio Aristizabal Cano, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Research

Harry Millwater, Ph.D.

Harry Millwater, Ph.D.

Samuel G. Dawson Endowed Professor, Associate Chair for Research, Mechanical Engineering

Morteza Seidi, Ph.D., P.E.

Morteza Seidi, Ph.D., P.E.

Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Ashok Nedungadi, Ph.D.

Ashok Nedungadi, Ph.D.

Professor of Instruction, Mechanical Engineering

Daniel I. Pineda, Ph.D.

Daniel I. Pineda, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Carl F. Popelar, Ph.D.

Carl F. Popelar, Ph.D.

Adjoint Professor

David Restrepo, Ph.D.

David Restrepo, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Graduate Advisor of Record: Mechanical Engineering, M.S. & M.S. AMEE, Mechanical Engineering

Hardev Singh

Hardev Singh

Assistant Professor of Practice, Mechanical Engineering

Yesh P. Singh, Ph.D., P.E.

Yesh P. Singh, Ph.D., P.E.

Professor Emeritus, ASME Life Fellow, Mechanical Engineering

Brendy Rincon Troconis, Ph.D.

Brendy Rincon Troconis, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering

James D. Walker, Ph.D.

James D. Walker, Ph.D.

Adjoint Professor, ASME and AIAA Fellow, Ballistics Sciences Fellow of IBS, Mechanical Engineering

Xiaodu Wang, Ph.D.

Xiaodu Wang, Ph.D.

Professor, ASME and AIMBE Fellow, Mechanical Engineering

Hung-da Wan, Ph.D.

Hung-da Wan, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Assistant Chair, Mechanical Engineering

Xiaowei Zeng, Ph.D.

Xiaowei Zeng, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Graduate Advisor of Record for PhD program, Mechanical Engineering

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We appreciate your interest in the Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Industrial Engineering at UTSA and extend our warmest welcome to you from the Department.