Students studying in engineering library lobby

Information and Resources

The Margie and Bill Klesse College of Engineering and Integrated Design Student Success Center is here to support our students, both virtually and in person. Please email us or visit our office in the Engineering Building (EB 3.04.04).

Ask your professor and/or TA for help early. Visit their office hours or check in with them before or after class.

If you are struggling, let your professor know your situation as well as where you are in their class. This is a good time to give gratitude towards their efforts in the classroom. It is also helpful to bring in specific problems or assignments that you are struggling with to aid them in answering your questions. Here are some example questions you can ask:

  • What can I do to bring my grade up in a short time?
  • Is there a way to earn extra credit?
  • Could you give me an extension on certain homework assignments?
  • Will you drop a test?
  • Can you curve a test?
  • Is it possible for me to pass your class before the school year is over?
  • Will you give me extra credit for my course evaluation?

Helpful Skills

  • SolidWorks
  • Python
  • Arduino
  • Cloud Computing
  • Raspberry Pi
  • Microsoft Office Suite
  • Google Suite
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • AutoCAD
  • 3D printing software

Learning Resources

The Klesse College Student Success Center also offers free coding workshops during the Spring & Fall semester.

  • Check or ask your advisor if you can get any prerequisite classes done in the summer, so you can enroll in some of your core classes in the fall.
  • If you see an error message while registering for a class, check the days of the week for the section you chose. For example:
    • General Chemistry exams are typically given on Fridays. so, if you see an error message while registering for the class it may be because you do not have the Friday section for the class.
  • Check financial & registration holds:
  • Have a plan B for some of the classes you want to take in the fall and check with your adviser to see if your plan B will still keep you on track and not slow you down.
  • Plan ahead when you can. You can check UTSA DegreeWorks.
  • Ask questions whenever you are confused no matter how simple they may sound.
  • Read your textbook the night before on the lecture that will be taught tomorrow.
  • Study or look at your notes for 30 minutes right after class.
  • Go to your professor's office during their office hours.
  • Go to your TA's office during their office hours.
  • Speak to your professor about your situation if you are falling behind.
  • Ask for extra credit opportunities.
  • Start a study group or get with one.
  • Ask for an extension on missed homework.
  • Create a daily checklist the night before.
  • Find some type of accountability system that works for you, and where you will get your work done.

Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

  • Career services: resume reviews, mock interviews, internships, and networking
  • UG Research: undergraduate research applications are sent out each semester, and undergraduate students can work on various projects with a faculty mentor
  • Student Orgs: we help organize events and provide support to engineering student organizations
  • Recruitment: provide tours and information for prospective students
  • Engineering Ambassador program
  • Career services: resume reviews, mock interviews, internships, and networking
  • UG Research: undergraduate research applications are sent out each semester, and undergraduate students can work on various projects with a faculty mentor
  • Student Orgs: we help organize events and provide support to engineering student organizations
  • Recruitment: provide tours and information for prospective students
  • Engineering Ambassador program

The Student Success Center helps students with professional development, career planning, and engineering-related events and organizations. Advisors assist with degree planning, navigating academic resources, and academic progress. The Advising Center is currently supporting students virtually and in person at the new SSC building between the McKinney Humanities and North Paseo buildings and can be reached at 210-458-4900 or

For more information on advising, please visit:

Please contact us or come into the Student Success Center to reserve space for student organization meetings or guest speakers, tabling, or other similar purposes. If you need to borrow tables & chairs or tablecloths, please ask for assistance at the Student Success Center. To make a reservation come by our office, call, or email

CEID SSC spaces:

  • Student org room (EB 2.04.12)
  • Programming room A (EB 2.04.26A)
  • Programming room B (EB 2.04.25B)
  • EB 2nd floor Hallway

You can view the College of Engineering Student Success Center’s website here: Klesse College Student Success Center

Send the Student Success Center an email.

The Klesse College Student Success Center office is located on the 3rd floor of the Engineering Building, EB 3.04.04, (just to the right of Mechanical Engineering).

Undergrad Research

An email will be sent out at the beginning of each semester (Fall, Spring and Summer) with the application form and instructions. Fill out the application and have your Faculty Mentor complete their portion of the form, complete with signatures.

Deadlines for each semester are included in the email sent out to undergraduate engineering students.

A $1000 stipend is awarded to students accepted into the Klesse College undergraduate research program, paid in two payments of $500 during the semester. Stipend requests are processed through the Business Service Center, then forwarded to the Stipends office. Stipends are scheduled to be paid at the beginning of October and December for Fall, and at the beginning of March and May for Spring.

Faculty mentors are assigned and can be looked up in UTSA Degreeworks. You can do your undergraduate research with any professor, it doesn’t necessarily have to be your assigned Faculty Mentor.

Faculty members will assign you a project to work on based on your major & area of interest. Engineering faculty for each department can be found at  Klesse College Faculty.

Student Organizations

You can look up student organizations by searching in RowdyLink and then requesting to join.

Student organizations and contact information is also listed on the Klesse College Student Success Center - Student Organizations page.

For more information on student organizations, please email Keri Axelrod or call her at 210-458-5195.

You can choose an organization or multiple organizations based on your major, interests, and what you want to do with your engineering career.

For example, a mechanical engineering major could choose the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) if they’re interested in robotics, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), or any others that relate to their area.

The Klesse College Ambassador Program is a leadership program for undergraduate Klesse College students. Students assist with on-campus events, recruitment, and robotics programs at nearby schools.

To become a member, students must:

  1. Apply
  2. Interview
  3. Be accepted into the program
  4. Have a 3.0 GPA, and
  5. Complete the required service hours

For their time, students receive a stipend each semester.

For more information on the Ambassador Program, please email Jennifer McDaniel or call her at 210-458-6498.


There are multiple opportunities for internships, and postings are emailed out regularly. Various engineering companies recruit UTSA students.

For more information on internships, please email Ruben Mercado, or call him at 210-458-6882.

You can also find more information at Klesse College Student Success Center - Internships and Co-ops.

Yes, talk with your Advisor and fill out the appropriate form.

Career & Professional Development

WIN Wednesday (Work, Intern, Network) is a series of workshops and seminars for engineering students. Through the WIN series, engineering students can build their soft and technical skills, and connect with industry professionals. It is open to all engineering students and includes free lunch!

KLESSE WIN Wednesday logo

Find out more at Klesse College Student Success Center - Professional Development.

The Klesse College Student Success Center provides resume reviews for its students. You can ask for assistance with your resume and get tips for improving it and including engineering-related experience and activities. We also offer mock interviews and advice on cover letters. You can make an appointment or ask for Ruben Mercado when you come in.

Resume Drop-ins

Resume drop-ins are provided on Tuesdays by Jeff Patten with the Career Center. You can also get assistance from the UTSA Career Center.

Day Time Location
Tuesdays 2pm – 4pm Student Org Room (EB 2.04.12)


Events are typically posted by the CEID Student Success Center or the student orgs in RowdyLink.

Upcoming events are also sent out by the College of Engineering and Integrated Design in weekly emails.

You can also find a list of events at CEID - Events.

Events can be created in RowdyLink. Watch the video to find out more about creating an event in Rowdylink.

You can also email Keri Axelrod for assistance with your event.

You are welcome to come to the CEID Student Success Center office to ask about upcoming events, or to request assistance with planning an event. We typically send out event information via email and by posting flyers in the engineering buildings (BSE, EB, and AET).


Klesse College has two tutoring centers housed in the Engineering Building.

Tutoring sessions are offered Monday-Friday in a variety of courses and no appointment is necessary.

Currently, our tutoring center is offering remote learning. For more information go to Klesse College Student Success Center - Tutoring.

Student Support Resources

Contact emails and other helpful links

Klesse College
Klesse College and Department Inquiries

Klesse College Phone: 210-458-4490 • Klesse College Fax: 210-458-5515

Student Success Center
Klesse College Student Success Inquiries

Tutoring, Student Orgs, Undergrad Research, Professional Development

CEID Advising
Klesse College Advising Inquiries

Advising Center Hours: Monday - Friday: 8 am — 5 pm • Saturday - Sunday: Closed.

Coronavirus Covid-19
COVID-19 Related Questions

For questions about UTSA Coronavirus Covid-19 policies, please contact us.

CEID Remote Desktop
Klesse College Remote Desktop Instructions

Download a step-by-step guide to connect to Klesse College Remote Desktop (myappsvdi).

CEID Online Learning
Online Learning Support

A comprehensive resource for students' online learning and academic support.