Maria Gonzalez Porras

Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering

Maria Gonzalez Porras


  • Ph.D. In Biomedical Engineering and Physiology

Honors and Awards

  • 2024 Voelcker Foundation Early Career Pilot Award in Cancer
  • 2024 Vanderbilt Vibrant Travel Award to attend The Metabolic Physiology Meeting
  • 2023 First place UNM CTSC Bioventure 2023. Patent disclosure#2022-026
  • 2023 Gordon Research Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Travel Award
  • 2023 Mays Cancer Center Early Career Pilot Award
  • 2020-2023 (F32) NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award
  • 2006-2008 Undergraduate Honor’s list – Excellent Academic Performance
  • 2011 Undergraduate Honor’s Thesis (First undergraduate Laurate Thesis awarded at the University; Thesis with the highest honor)