Posted on November 29, 2022 by Jill Ford

Senior Design I and II students presented posters and projects as a culminating experience where students showcase the skills and knowledge they have gained...
MEC Engineering awarded 3rd place at Klesse College Tech Symposium

MEC Engineering awarded 3rd place at Klesse College Tech Symposium

The Fall 2022 Klesse College Tech Symposium was hosted on Friday, November 18th in the HEB Ballrooms. Senior Design I and II students presented posters and projects showing the work they’ve done over the course of one or two semesters. Senior Design is the culminating experience where students showcase the skills and knowledge they have gained during their undergraduate engineering career. Student projects were judged by industry professionals and $1000 cash prizes were given to the top three teams in Senior Design I and $4000, $3000, and $2000 cash prizes for first, second, and third place teams in Senior Design II, respectively. Funding for the cash prizes was generously donated by Mr. George Karutz and Mr. Bill Balthrope.

Congratulations to our top three winning teams in Senior Design I:
Smart Canes
Print and Click LLC
JRCS Orthopedics

Congratulations to our top three winning teams in Senior Design II:
1st Place: AMAS Engineering
2nd Place: Trust Issues
3rd Place: MEC Engineering

— Jill Ford