Posted on May 14, 2024 by Storm Goodman

Ryan Dennett, UTSA Biomedical Engineering 2024

Ryan Dennett, UTSA Biomedical Engineering 2024

Ryan Denett returns to UTSA to continue his education and obtain a degree in Biomedical Engineering (BME). After graduating with a degree in Biochemistry and spending some time in the medical field, Ryan became curious about how all of the medicine and tests he was handling worked, and so his curiosity led him back to UTSA and Biomedical Engineering. Read the full Q&A with Ryan to learn about his journey and what his advice is for future Roadrunners.

What made you decide to attend UTSA? 

I chose UTSA because while I am originally from the valley, my family moved to San Antonio for work, and I ideally wanted to stay close to them. I finished off my high school career at Ronald Reagan High School and after researching the different programs and what UTSA had to offer, I knew that I would want to stay local and be involved with a university that heavily supported first-generation college students. 

When did you figure out what you wanted to study in college?

I am actually a post-baccalaureate student. I graduated with a degree in Biochemistry from UTSA back in December 2019 where I then worked in the medical field for 2 years with the intent to go to medical school. While this is still the goal, I had a new branch of interest, engineering medicine. We are taught in the medical field how to interpret data results, what lab values mean, and how to treat patients, but never on how these tests work. This led me down the rabbit hole of wanting to know the “how” of everything and the road back to UTSA to pursue a degree in biomedical engineering so I can design and produce valuable products to contribute to improving patient health outcomes. 

What did you enjoy most about your experience at UTSA? 

The camaraderie. Everyone is willing to help everyone here, regardless of the Kleese College of Engineering and Integrated Design disciplines. We are all going through these hard courses together, knowing that we can ask for help from one of our classmates and knowing that they will be there extending their hand. Also, being a part of the Klesse Student Advisory Council has allowed me to foster new relationships with multiple organizations and see the amazing collaborative work and resources that they provide to the students; truly inspiring. 

What have you learned, in your time at UTSA, that surprised you the most?

How many resources that Klesse College provides to its students! From the WIN Wednesdays for industry networking to the Makerspace for technical skill development to even the student organizations for meeting new students with the same interests and project-based learning. All of these resources are designed and geared towards developing the ideal engineer who is ready for the industry and/or graduate school upon graduation.

Do you have any goals or plans after graduation?

I plan to apply to engineering medicine programs to receive my medical degree and pursue my original goal of becoming a physician. However, this time around, tailoring my school selection to those who have the mentality of training their students like a doctor but thinking like an engineer to help solve pressing problems that patients currently face.

What advice do you have for people considering the programs at UTSA?

Coming from someone who graduated from UTSA, worked in the medical field, and came back again to UTSA, I’d say not to pressure yourself if you do not know what you want to major in or study. You have time. UTSA values and cares for its students, providing some of the best resources for you to succeed. In order to optimize this experience, I highly recommend joining student organizations on campus and just getting involved in general. The last thing you want to do is go to school, attend class, then go home. The purpose of college is to network, connect with like-minded people, and have fun!  

What is your life motto/ slogan? 

"The windshield is bigger than the rearview mirror because what's in front of you is so much more important than what's behind you."

— Storm Goodman