Principal Investigator:
Ian Caine, Associate Professor, Director, Center for Urban and Regional Planning Research
Bill Barker, FAICP, Adjunct Associate Professor, Urban and Regional Planning
Ivan Ventura, Research Assistant
This urban research and design project explores the transformation of 20th-century highways from mono-functional, automobile-focused infrastructures to multi-functional, multi-modal transportation networks. The site is Interstate 410 in San Antonio, Texas, where ubiquitous frontage roads and U-turn lanes offer significant infrastructural redundancies providing the site for a large-scale suburban retrofit project. Preliminary site research reveals that San Antonio’s inner-ring highway network offers the short-term potential to absorb new users, and the long-range potential to transform into a metropolitan connector for new transportation modes and programs. The initial goal is to retrofit selected U-turn lanes and frontage roads, repurposing them from automotive streets to protected bicycle and pedestrian amenities. The longer-term vision is to transform the infrastructure to accommodate new transportation modes and programs.
Collaborating Research Lab: