City of Weslaco Comprehensive Plan

Texas boulevard in Downtown Weslaco. Image: CURPR.
Project Team

Principal Investigator:
Ian Caine, Associate Professor, Director, Center for Urban and Regional Planning Research

Thomas Tunstall, PhD, MBA, Director, Research, Institute of Economic Development 
Bill Barker, FAICP, Adjunct Associate Professor, Urban and Regional Planning 
Marcio Giacomoni, PhD, Associate Professor, Civil Engineering 
Albert Han, PhD, Assistant Professor, Urban and Regional Planning 
John Franklin, Research Assistant 
Francisco Gonzalez, Research Assistant 

Project Sponsor:
City of Weslaco 


Project Description

The City of Weslaco is a rapidly expanding community located in the Rio Grande Valley with a population of 42,000. Once part of a Spanish land grant known as Llano Grande, Weslaco was incorporated in 1921 and today exists as part of the Reynosa-McAllen metropolitan area, a transnational conurbation along the U.S.-Mexico border. This is one of the fastest growing urban areas in the United States and one of the most populous in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas. The Center’s researchers will work with Weslaco residents and City officials to address the effects of rapid urban growth, specifically as it relates to issues of downtown revitalization, housing, parks, flood control, transportation, economic sustainability, and environmental resilience. The process will begin with three public charrettes that allow residents to express their ideas, examine potential options, and help generate future growth scenarios that align decision-making with community values.

Collaborating Research Lab:

Urban Platform