Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor, Center for Urban and Regional Planning Research



Dr.Esteban López Ochoa's research seeks to take advantage of the wider availability of “bigger” data to examine housing, labor, and education issues that contribute to the unjust burden of spatial inequalities in our communities, both in the U.S. and Latin American contexts. Before joining UTSA, Esteban was an Assistant Professor and Postdoctoral Fellow of the Center of Economics and Regional Policy (CEPR) of the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (UAI) at Viña del Mar, Chile. He graduated as a Fulbright Fellow in 2016 from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, obtaining an M.S. in Agricultural and Applied Economics, and a Ph.D. in Regional Planning. He also obtained a Master of Science in Regional Science from the Universidad Católica del Norte (Chile) in 2010.