Revised September 2015

Section 1.1.      Name. The name of the organization is the College of Engineering Advisory Council.

Section 1.2.     Definitions. In these Bylaws and Procedures certain terms and abbreviations will have the meanings assigned in this Section unless the context clearly requires a different meaning.

“Advisory Council” or “Council” means the College of Engineering Advisory Council.

“Bylaws” means these College of Engineering Advisory Council Bylaws and Procedures as they may be amended and in effect from time to time.

“COE” means the UTSA College of Engineering.

“Dean” means the Dean of the UTSA College of Engineering.

“Executive Board” means the Executive Board of the Advisory Council described in Article V.

“UTSA” means the University of Texas at San Antonio, a higher education institute and component of the University of Texas System, located in San Antonio, Texas, having as its business address One UTSA Circle, San Antonio, Texas, 78249.


Section 2.1.     Vision. The vision of the COE Advisory Council is to provide support and guidance to support the college’s vision to be an internationally recognized, premier research-intensive engineering college serving as an economic driver and workforce developer for the region, the state, the nation, and the global environment.

Section 2.2.     Mission. The mission of the COE Advisory Council is to provide guidance and support to the College of Engineering to achieve its mission. This goal includes working in interest areas such as: placement of students, educational support, educational content, development, community outreach, and research.


Section 3.1.     Objectives. The objectives of the COE Advisory Council are to assist the COE and Dean by: (a) expanding the programs of the College; (b) providing for recognition of the students, faculty, and alumni; and (c) increasing community involvement. Specifically, the Advisory Council is charged with;

  1. providing a forum for strategic planning and exchange of ideas for the growth of COE;
  2. enhancing, advocating, promoting, and expanding COE programs and events;
  3. increasing community involvement through active outreach to the greater San Antonio region;
  4. identifying major funding sources; and
  5. vigorously seeking community support in development efforts.

Section 4.1.     Classes of Membership. Membership in the Advisory Council is in four classes: Regular, Interim, Emeritus, and  Ex-officio, subject to the provision in Section 4.5.

Section 4.2.     Regular Membership. The Dean will annually appoint regular members of the COE Advisory Council from persons nominated, recommended, and forwarded by the Executive Board.

Section 4.3.     Interim Membership. Interim Members are those persons invited by the Dean to join the Advisory Council after September 1. An Interim Member will automatically become a Regular Member on the next occurring September 1.

Section 4.4.     Emeritus Membership. Emeritus Member status may be accorded, by election of the Executive Committee, to those members who have served the College of Engineering faithfully and with distinction. Emeritus members will continue to serve indefinitely, without reelection, while enjoying all of the privileges and responsibilities of full membership, except attendance. The minimum attendance requirements for active members will be waived for Emeritus members although they are encouraged to participate in Council affairs and meetings. Members who are inactive for two years or more will be removed from the Emeritus list.

4.4.1.     Outgoing chairpersons of the Council will be appointed Emeritus status by the Executive Committee at the end of the current term. Former chairpersons may alternatively choose to become Emeritus members or continue to serve in a fully active role.

Section 4.5.      Ex-officio Membership.  Ex-officio Members are the Dean of the College, the Associate Deans, the Department Chairs, and the College Development Officer.  Ex-officio members may participate in the vote on Council business.

4.5.1.     An  ex-officio member may, in consultation with the Dean, designate a person on the faculty of the member’s respective department to serve as the member’s alternate. The alternate may attend any meeting of the COE Advisory Council while such  ex officio member is unable to attend and may, in such member’s absence, participate in and vote on Council business in the same manner as the  ex-officio member.

4.5.2.     An  ex-officio member who ceases to serve in the office which qualified such member for membership on the Council will be succeeded in membership on the Council by the person who succeeds to that office.

Section 4.6.     Aggregate Number of Members. The aggregate number of COE Advisory Council members is determined by the College need and any applicable confines established by the University of Texas System.

Section 4.7.     Terms of Membership. The initial term of each Regular Member is three years, commencing September 1 of the year of appointment and ending August 31 of the third year thereafter. A Regular Member who provides exemplary service to the Advisory Council may be invited by the Dean and the Executive Board to serve additional three-year terms.

4.7.1.     The term of an Interim Member is the partial academic year commencing on the date of such member’s appointment. A person appointed as an Interim Member may thereafter be appointed a Regular Member and serves a three-year term.

4.7.2.     Upon the expiration of a Regular Member’s second third-year term, the member’s eligibility for council membership ends unless the member is appointed to one or more successive two-year terms by the Dean and the Executive Board.

Section 4.8.     Qualifications for Membership. Persons nominated for membership on the Advisory Council will have demonstrated that they have two or more of the following qualifications:

(a) experience as a fund raiser;
(b) technology/industry leader;
(c) political knowledge and influence;
(d) interest in the academic programs of the College of Engineering;
(e) ability to represent and/or support higher education; and
(f) sufficient free time to work actively on the College’s behalf.

Section 4.9.     Responsibilities of Members . The responsibilities of Advisory Council members include:

(a) initiating, promoting, and supporting College-sponsored events and/or mentoring of students or clubs affiliated with the College of Engineering;
(b) serving on at least one Council Committee;
(c) attending quarterly Advisory Council or Committee meetings; and
(d) attending meetings of any Committee on which they serve.

Section 4.10.     Termination of membership. The membership of a person who is absent from three consecutive meetings of the Advisory Council, unless a special exception has been requested and approved by the Dean, will terminate.


Section 5.1.     Officers. The officers of the Council will be a Chair and Vice Chair.

5.1.1.     The Chair will preside over all Advisory Council and Executive Board meetings and, in consultation with the Dean, establish the agenda for each such meeting.

5.1.2.     The Vice Chair will, in the absence of the Chair, preside over Council and Executive Board meetings and exercise the powers of the Chair. The Vice Chair will succeed to complete the unexpired term of the Chair upon the resignation or permanent unavailability of the Chair. Upon the Vice Chair’s succeeding to the Chair, the Council will select from Council members a person to succeed to and complete the unexpired term of the Vice Chair.

Section 5.2.     Election and Terms of Chair and Vice Chair. The Chair and the Vice Chair will be recommended by the Dean and confirmed by the Council members. The term of the Chair and the Vice Chair is three years. The term of office of each such officer will commence at the first meeting of the Council or the Executive Board following each September 1. The Chair and Vice Chair may be elected to and serve any number of terms.


Section 6.1.     Membership of Executive Board. The COE Advisory Council Executive Board consists of the Council Chair, the Council Vice Chair, the Immediate Past Council Chair, the Committee Chairs, the Dean, and the College Development Officer.

Section 6.2.     Duties and Responsibilities of the Executive Board. The Executive Board provides leadership to the Council, guidance to the Dean on Council matters, and provides nominations for new Advisory Council members. The Executive Board may act on behalf of the full Council with respect to any Council business, including the consideration of amendments to the Bylaws. The Executive Board meets at least once each semester.


Section 7.1.     Development Committee. The purpose of the Development Committee is to work with the Dean of Engineering and Development Officer to establish needs for annual infrastructure and programmatic support, and implement programs to help fulfill the needs through fundraising efforts and community events.

Section 7.2.      Ad Hoc Committees. The Council Chair may from time to time establish and appoint Council members to an Ad Hoc Committee for a special purpose of the Council as the Chair or the Dean finds appropriate. An Ad Hoc Committee will have a broad purpose and associated charge, and will continue to meet regularly until the Council Chair discharges the committee. The Council Chair will present the charge for any such Ad Hoc Committee at a regular Council meeting, will designate a member to chair the Ad Hoc Committee, and will designate a time for the Ad Hoc Committee Chair to report on the Committee’s charge.

Section 7.3.     Task Forces. The Council Chair may from time to time establish and appoint Council members to an Ad Hoc Task Force for a special purpose of the Council as the Chair or the Dean finds appropriate. A Task Force will have a narrow focus as a charge, and will disband once the task is complete. The Council Chair will present the charge for any such Ad Hoc Task Force at a regular Council meting, will designate a member to lead the Ad Hoc Task Force, and will designate a time for the Ad Hoc Task Force lead to report on the Task Force’s charge.


Section 8.1.     Regular Advisory Council Meetings. Full membership meetings of the COE Advisory Council will be held at a minimum of biannually or as called by the chairman and/or Dean. The time and place of the meetings will be designated by the Council Chair and members will receive written notice.

Section 8.2.     Special Advisory Council Meetings. Special meetings of the COE Advisory Council may be called by the Chair upon at least ten days written notice. A quorum for the transaction of business at any special or regular meeting will be thirty percent of the voting members.

Section 8.3.     Committee Meetings. Standing and Ad Hoc Committee Chairs Committee Chairs will meet at least once each semester on the dates and at the locations determined by their respective Chairs, and approximately mid-term to the biannual full committee meetings. Each Committee Chair will appoint a Committee Secretary responsible for preparing and distributing minutes of the Committee meetings. The Secretary will serve at the pleasure of the Chair.

Section 8.4.     Conduct of Meetings. All business meetings of the COE Advisory Council, the Executive Board, and the Committees will be governed by the parliamentary rules in Roberts Rules of Order, Revised. The quorum for taking action with respect to Council, Executive Board, or Committee business, as the case may be, at any meeting is thirty percent (30%) or the respective eligible members. Actions must be approved by majority vote.


Section 9.1.     Initiation of Amendments. Amendments to these Bylaws may be initiated by any member of the COE Advisory Council.

Section 9.2.     Approval of Amendments. Any amendment to these Bylaws must be approved by a majority of council members responding to a request to vote by regular mail or electronic mail, provided that at least thirty percent (30%) so respond; or by a majority of members present and voting at any regular or special meeting of the Council. An amendment will be effective upon approval, unless the amendment expressly calls for a transition period or a delayed effective date.


Section 10.1.     Vote Required. Adoption of these Bylaws and Procedures of the COE Advisory Council will be by a majority vote of the members present and voting at a regular or special meeting of the Council. The Bylaws and Procedures will take effect immediately upon adoption.


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