Welcome to the Dr. Manuel P. Berriozábal Pre-Freshman Engineering Program (PREP)-Summer 2025!

We are delighted to welcome more than 400 students to the Dr. Manuel P. Berriozábal Pre-Freshman Engineering Program this June and July 2024! We will be together for the next few weeks and are super excited to have many returning and first-time PREP students. You are part of our “familia” now!

• Students, stay rested, hydrated, and strong! We appreciate seeing your friendly faces every day at our different campuses around San Antonio- don’t miss out!

• Program Assistants / Mentors, we appreciate your insights and motivating attitude. You inspire our PREP students!

• Teachers, we couldn’t do this without you. Thank you for sharing your time and serving as learning guides to our amazing PREP students. You make the engineering design process, physics in action, statistics, math, and innovative engineering research come to life! We appreciate you!

• Families, thank you for encouraging and supporting your PREP students through the summer.
Please remember that the program is filled, and we are not making any more changes. We hope your student will stay healthy and not miss any program days. So, thank you for your encouragement and support (and for driving them to class daily!)

Please watch for campus newsletters and updates from each campus Lead Instructor. We won’t publish too many details here, but we hope you will contact your particular Lead Instructor should you have any questions about the day-to-day program.

¡Bienvenidos al Programa de Ingeniería Pre-Freshman (PREP) del Dr. Manuel P. Berriozábal - Verano 2025!

¡Estamos encantados de darles la bienvenida a más de 400 estudiantes al Programa de Ingeniería Pre-Freshman del Dr. Manuel P. Berriozábal este junio y julio de 2024! Estaremos juntos durante las próximas semanas y estamos muy emocionados de tener muchos estudiantes de PREP que regresan y por primera vez. ¡Ahora eres parte de nuestra “familia”!

• ¡Estudiantes, manténganse descansados, hidratados y fuertes! Apreciamos ver sus caras amigables todos los días en nuestros diferentes sitios en San Antonio. ¡No se lo pierdan!

• Asistentes/Mentores del programa, apreciamos sus conocimientos y actitud motivadora. ¡Ustedes inspiran a nuestros estudiantes de PREP!

• Maestros, no podríamos hacer esto sin ustedes. Gracias por compartir su tiempo y servir como guías de aprendizaje a nuestros increíbles estudiantes de PREP. ¡Ustedes hacen que el proceso de diseño de ingeniería, la física en acción, las estadísticas, las matemáticas y la investigación de ingeniería innovadora sean verdaderamente emocionante! ¡Te apreciamos!

• Familias, gracias por alentar y apoyar a sus estudiantes de PREP durante el verano. Recuerden que el programa está completo y no haremos más cambios. Esperamos que su estudiante se mantengan saludables y no pierdan ningún día del programa. Asi es que, gracias por su apoyo (¡y por llevarlos a clase todos los días!)

Estén atentos a los boletines informativos del campus y las actualizaciones de cada instructor principal del campus. No publicaremos demasiados detalles aquí, pero esperamos que se comuniquen con su instructor principal particular si tienen cualquier pregunta sobre el programa diario.

2024 - 2025 PREP Dates Announced!

• November 14, 2024 - PREP ‘25 Applications Open; First-come first serve acceptances
• February 14, 2025 - PREP ‘25 Last day to Apply 
• December 1st, 2024 - March 14, 2025 - PREP Student Selections Communicated 
• April 14, 2025 - PREP ‘25 Last Day to Complete Student Registration
• May 1, 2025 - PREP ‘25 Campus Assignments Communicated and Payment Deadline
• June 10, 2025 - PREP ‘25 First Day – face to face 
• July 10, 2025 - PREP ‘25 Closing Day Celebration/Graduation


The Dr. Manuel P. Berriozábal Pre-freshman Engineering Program Summer program will be delivered in a hybrid mode: Monday – Thursday in person at the student’s assigned campus and Friday mornings online. PREP does not provide transportation to the program, but your school district might. Please check back with us in March for more information or check with your school principal to find out. The PREP application link instructions will be available in November 2024.


¡Anunciando las fechas para PREP 2025!

  • 14, noviembre, 2024 - Se abren las aplicaciones; se le sirve en orden de llegada
  • 14, febrero, 2025 - Ultima fecha para entregar las aplicaciones.
  • 1, diciembre, 2024 - 14, marzo, 2025 - Se anuncia por correo electrónico la selección de participantes.
  • 14, abril, 2025 - Ultima fecha para pagar el pago de registro.
  • 1, mayo, 2025 - Se comunica por correo electrónico el sitio o campus asignado.
  • 10, junio, 2025 - Primer día del programa- en persona.
  • 10, julio, 2025 - Ultimo día del programa- Celebración o Graduación.

El programa de verano PREP se impartirá en un modo híbrido: de lunes a jueves en persona en el campus asignado al estudiante y los viernes por la mañana en línea. PREP no proporciona transporte al programa, pero su distrito escolar podría hacerlo. Vuelva a consultarnos en marzo para obtener más información o consulte con el director de su escuela para averiguarlo. El enlace para el sistema de solicitud PREP estarán disponibles en noviembre de 2024.

What is PREP?

PREP is the Prefreshman Engineering Program (PREP) at UTSA. It is a pre-college summer program committed to delivering science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) enrichment opportunities for middle and high school students.

PREP Flyer Image

Ignite your passion for STEM with PREP

PREP is not just a program, it's a legacy. Read more about our program, course offerings, and eligibility in the flyer below.

Cover of the Spring 2024 PREP newsletter

Spring 2024 Newsletter

Lead Photo Example

July 13, 2023

More than 350 local teens graduate from unique summer STEM program

Through PREP, UTSA and its community partners make STEM careers more accessible to diverse populations, particularly youth who have been historically underserved.

Manuel and María Berriozábal impacted higher ed and the San Antonio community.

June 20, 2023

UTSA honors Manuel P. Berriozábal, Ph.D. and María Antonietta Berriozábal

For more than 40 years, the Berriozábals have been affecting positive change throughout our community.

Maria and Manuel P. Berriozábal helped create equitable opportunities for access to higher education.

June 6, 2023

UTSA names popular STEM-based summer program after founder Manuel P. Berriozábal

Published by UTSA Advancement and Alumni Engagement


Prep Student
“There’s so much knowledge in these walls. There’s always college students walking around and I always think, one day that could be me. One day I want go to college and I want to follow my dream of becoming an electrical engineer.”
PREP Student, Alumni, Aiden Frederick
PREP Impact Report Cover

PREP Impact Report

The Dr. Manuel P. Berriozábal Pre-freshman Engineering Program (PREP) at UTSA is a pre-college summer program committed to delivering science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) enrichment opportunities for middle and high school students.

Community Partnerships

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