The Prefreshman Engineering Program (PREP) at UTSA is a pre-college summer program committed to delivering science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) enrichment opportunities for middle and high school students. PREP seeks to contribute to the development of the future generations of STEM professionals, and provide opportunities for high school and middle school students to identify pathways to and through higher education.

PREP’s current curriculum is delivered over the course of 5 years.

Level 1: The first year involves an introduction to engineering design, logic & algebraic reasoning.

Levels 2 & 3: The second and third years include topics on physics and integrated algebra and probability, statistics and introduction to technical writing, respectively.

Level 4: The fourth year is dedicated to materials related to innovations in engineering- nano technology, data science, & cyber security.

Level 5: A new fifth year program will allow high school students to serve as engineering lab interns in a hybrid learning and working environment at a UTSA research lab during the summer.

Forms & Resources

PREP Summer Program Application

PREP Summer Program Application

Academic Records Request

Academic Records Request

Student and Parent Handbook

Student and Parent Handbook